ENSAE Paris - École d'ingénieurs pour l'économie, la data science, la finance et l'actuariat

International economics



This course investigates topics in international economics with an emphasis on international finance. The
main objective is to present cutting-edge research papers and prepare students to think about their own
research ideas.
This course introduces key topics in international economics and finance such as international capital flows,
their potential regulations, the economics of monetary unions, sovereign debt crises or the international
monetary system. These topics will be introduced using key contributions in the academic literature and,
whenever possible, recently published papers, in order to expose students to the ongoing debates in
academia. Recent trends such as the emergence of China in international lending will also be covered.
Notions in Macroeconomics I & II are advised.
Principal Items:
- Capital flows and their regulations
- Monetary Unions
- Sovereign debt
- The role of the dollar and the international monetary system
Pedagogical Objectives:
By the end of this course, students should acquire an overview of recent research contributions in the
field and be able to start thinking about their own research ideas connected to international economics
and finance.
Students will be able to present research papers to their peers - be able to identify the key contribution
and present the main stages of a research paper.


Course organization:
Chapter I - Capital flows (8 hours)
Chapter II - The economics of monetary union (6 hours)
Chapter III - Sovereign debt (4 hours)
Chapter IV - The international payment system (6 hours)